Everyone wants to live in a fresh-smelling home, away from unpleasant smells that make us scrunch our noses or pull a face. That’s why it’s no surprise that recent surveys show that 74% of Americans worry about how their home smells to themselves and others. But everyday life can be smelly, especially if you regularly cook, smoke indoors, or have pets.

Luckily, Tampa Emergency Restoration Pros’ professional odor elimination services can refresh your entire space in a few simple steps. Our services don’t just mask unwanted smells. They neutralize them at the source. Our company offers:

  • Over two decades of experience
  • State-of-the-art neutralizing technology
  • Experienced technicians
  • Excellent customer service experience
  • Dedication to the community

Our father-and-son-owned business uses technology like ozone odor purification, thermal fogging, and HEPA filtration air scrubbing to tackle even the most stubborn odors. Our technicians are always available and ready to bring back your home’s pleasant atmosphere. Let’s see how professional services can help you achieve odor-free living.

Common Sources of Household Odors

Anything can cause a foul smell in your house, from a pet accident you didn’t clean thoroughly enough to the favorite dinner you like to cook from scratch every night. Lingering odors can make your living space uncomfortable and sometimes even unbearable. Some of the most common causes of bad smells are:

  • Cigarette Smoke: Tobacco particles cling to walls, fabrics, and air ducts. The smell penetrates deep into materials and lasts long after the smoke dissipates.
  • Mold and Mildew: These fungi thrive in damp and dark areas, often in basements, bathrooms, and under sinks. The smell lingers because mold spores can easily spread through the air and are hard to eliminate.
  • Pet Odors: Pet urine, in particular, can seep into carpets, furniture, and even the subflooring, making it very challenging to remove with DIY cleaning methods.
  • Cooking Smells: Spices, oils, and smoke can cling to furniture, carpets, and ventilation systems. These odors can stay for extended periods without proper ventilation and thorough cleaning.
  • Chemical Odors: Chemical odors can come from various sources, such as cleaning products, paint, and new furniture. Prolonged exposure to some chemical odors can also be harmful, so it’s essential to eliminate them.
  • Fire and Smoke Damage: Smoke particles can penetrate deeply into every porous material in your home. The smell can linger even if there’s no visible damage, requiring professional treatments to eradicate it.

Benefits of Choosing Professional Services

When choosing our professional odor removal services, you choose a lasting solution. Our experts know how to remove a wide range of odors forever. Quick and efficient service means you won’t have to deal with lingering smells for long. We also provide long-term solutions, preventing those odors from returning and saving you from future inconveniences.

Additionally, safety and health considerations are paramount. Certified technicians use modern technology to remove odors and improve air quality, creating a healthier home. The professional services mean you benefit from our specialized knowledge and professional equipment.

Our Odor-Removal Process

We know how vital a good-smelling home is to every homeowner. Unpleasant odors can make your living space unpleasant and can be a sign of underlying issues. That’s why at Tampa Emergency Restoration Pros, we remove bad smells at their source, using a multi-step process to address the root of your smelly issues. Our approach gives you long-lasting results you can enjoy for a long while.

Initial Assessment

We start our deodorizing process with a detailed inspection that identifies where the odor is coming from. Our technicians use the most advanced odor-detecting tools, allowing us to pinpoint the exact locations that need attention. During this phase, we assess the extent of the affected area and determine the best course of action. This step helps us develop an effective odor removal strategy and understand the severity and type of odor we’re dealing with.

Customized Plan

We develop a tailored odor removal plan specific to your situation based on what we find during our initial assessment. We carefully explain each step to the homeowner so you know what to expect. Our customized plans efficiently and effectively eliminate odors, considering your home’s unique characteristics and the type of odor present.

Odor Removal and Remediation

During our deodorizing service, we only use eco-friendly and safe products that aren’t dangerous to the health of pets and humans. We perform an in-depth cleaning and deodorization of the affected areas. Our methods involve several advanced techniques to give homeowners comprehensive odor removal. Those methods are:

  • Ozone Odor Purification: This method uses ozone generators to break down and neutralize airborne contaminants and odors. The ozone molecules react with odor-causing particles, eliminating them from the environment.
  • Thermal Fogging: Using a specialized fogging machine, we release a heated deodorizing vapor that penetrates deeply into carpets, upholstery, and walls. This vapor neutralizes odors at the molecular level, providing thorough deodorization.
  • HEPA Filtration Air Scrubbing: We use high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration systems to scrub the air of any remaining odor particles. These air scrubbers capture even the smallest particles, including allergens and bacteria, leaving the air clean and fresh.

Final Inspection

After completing the odor removal and remediation process, we will do a final check to show you that the unwanted odor is completely gone. Our technicians perform a comprehensive once-over, checking every treated area to confirm the success of our efforts.

We also give you tips for maintaining an odor-free environment, helping you keep your home smelling fresh and clean long after our visit. This final step ensures your satisfaction and peace of mind, knowing you don’t have to worry about foul smells again.

Why Choose Tampa Emergency Restoration Pros

When it comes to odor removal, Tampa Emergency Restoration Pros stands out for several reasons. Our team has over 20 years of experience in the industry, giving us sufficient expertise to tackle any odor problem in your home. We operate our business locally, which means Tampa residents get personalized service from a team that genuinely cares about the community.

Our technicians are insured and certified, giving you peace of mind that you’re working with professionals who know what they’re doing. We use the latest odor-removal technology and offer 24/7 emergency services. We have numerous positive customer testimonials and feedback, which show we are honest, dependable, and committed to delivering 5-star-rated services.

Get the Best Odor-Removing Services in Tampa

Bad smells and unwanted odors can turn your home from a relaxing place to one you can’t wait to leave. Tampa Emergency Restoration Pros know exactly how to deodorize even the most stubborn smells and stop them from ever coming back. With over 20 years of experience, our father-and-son team combines honesty, dependability, and state-of-the-art technology to deliver top-notch odor removal services.

If you’re ready to breathe easy again, book a consultation today!


Can professional services remove all types of odors?

Professional services can tackle many odors, including smoke, pet, mold, and food scents. Specialized treatments like ozone odor purification, thermal fogging, and HEPA filtration air scrubbing can target and eliminate even the most stubborn smells, leaving your space fresh and clean.

Is your odor removal process safe for children and pets?

Our professional odor-removal process is safe for pets and children. The methods used, such as ozone odor purification and thermal fogging, are non-toxic and don’t leave harmful residues. However, it’s generally recommended that pets and kids stay away from the treated area until the process is complete and the space is fully ventilated.

Will the odor return after professional removal?

The odor removal treatments are highly effective and designed to eliminate odors at their source. While the odor shouldn’t return if the source is completely gone, it’s essential to maintain a clean environment to prevent any new odors from developing. Regular cleaning and proper ventilation can keep your space fresh.